This premarital prep course walks couples through the steps necessary to both leave and cleave as they enter into marriage covenant. ONE does not concentrate so much on personalities and lifestyles as it does on destiny and generational transfer.
A Debt of Gratitude
The Vision
Policies and Procedures for Participants
Core Values of 2=1
Mentoring – Policies & Procedures
Permission to share with Pastor
Chapter 1: “One Comes Before Two”
A. Want a healthy marriage?
B. Your purpose as an individual
C. Am I a whole person?
D. Marriage was not designed to fulfil you.
E. What is God’s purpose for my life?
F. Life Patterns
G. Forgiving yourself
Hitting Home – Week1
Chapter 2: “Family Ties”
A. Your Family Portrait
B. Generational patterns
C. Honouring vs. obeying your parents
D. Forgiving parents
E. What if I don’t feel like forgiving my family?
Hitting Home – Week2
Chapter 3: “Exiting Memory Lane”
A. The friendship factor
B. Forgiving and releasing the past
C. Soul ties
D. Forgiving and releasing your fiancé(e)
E. How much do you share with each other about the past?
Hitting Home – Week3
Chapter 4: “Whole in One”
A. Leaving and Cleaving
B. The seriousness of covenant
C. Marriage is a Covenant
D. The most committed relationship on earth
Hitting Home – Week4
Chapter 5: “Destined As One”
A. Purpose and Destiny
B. God’s bigger plan
C. The blending of your call
D. Looking to the future
Hitting Home – Week5
Chapter 6: “Intimacy: God’s Wedding Present”
A. Intimacy: God’s gift to you
B. The road to marriage
C. Physical purity
D. Emotional purity
E. Spiritual purity
Hitting Home – Week6
Chapter 7: “The Home Team”
A. Two with a Purpose
B. Jesus and the Church
C. Agreement takes two
Hitting Home – Week7
Chapter 8: “Making It Real”
Teaching Supplement – Examining Issues
Teaching Supplement – Handling your Finances
A. Two different cultures
B. Challenges
C. Finances
D. Work
E. Education
F. Children
G. Love
H. In-laws and extended family
I. Time to talk
Hitting Home – Week8